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Modifying Columns, Rows, and Cells

By default, the height and width of each row and column in a new worksheet are always the same.

Excel allows us to change the width and height of columns and rows in a variety of ways, including wrapping text and merging cells.

To modify column width

The columns in the default worksheet are broad enough to show roughly 8 characters.

If our data is too long to fit in a cell, We can expand the column to show the whole contents of the cell.
To minimise worksheet space, we may also make columns narrower.

The column width is set to 8.43 characters by default.

A column width of 0 (zero) to 255 characters can be specified.

When we set the width of a column to 0 (zero) characters, the column is hidden.

Step to modify column width( By Format Option)

  1. Choose the column we wish to enlarge.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, select the Format button, followed by Column Width (See below figure ).
  3. Alternatively, right-click the column header and select Column Width from the shortcut menu.
  4. In the Column Width dialogue box, input a value in the Column width box before clicking the OK button.
Figure 9- Modify column width ( By Format Option)
Note: If we see pound marks (#######) in a cell, it signifies the column is too narrow to show the cell's information. To display the cell content, just expand the column width.

Step to modify column width( By Draging Cell)

  1. Position the mouse over the column line in the column heading.
  2. Now the white cross becomes a double arrow.
  3. Click, hold, and drag the mouse to increase or decrease the column width.
  4. Release the mouse. The column width will be changed.
Figure 10- Modify column width ( By Draging Cell)

To AutoFit column width

The AutoFit function allows us to automatically set the width of a column to match its content.

Step to AutoFit column width

  1. Move the mouse over the column line in the column header so that the white cross transforms into a double arrow.
  2. Make a double-click with your mouse.
  3. The column width will be automatically adjusted to match the content.
Figure 11- AutoFit column width
Note: We may also AutoFit the width of many columns at once. Simply choose the columns we want to AutoFit, then click the Format dropdown menu on the Home page and pick the AutoFit Column Width option. This method may also be used to calculate row height.

To modify Row Height

Excel automatically changes row heights to fit the row’s highest entry.

Row heights can, however, be manually increased or decreased as desired.

The row height is set to 15 points by default. A row height of 0 (zero) to 409 points can be specified.

When we set the height of a row to 0 (zero) points, the row is hidden.

Step to modify Row height ( By Format Option)

  1. Select the row that we want to resize.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button, and then click Row height.
  3. Or, right-click the row header, and then click Row Height on the shortcut menu.
  4. In the Row Height dialogue box, type a value in the Row height box.
  5. And then click the OK button
Figure 12- Modify Row height ( By Format Option)

Step to modify Row height ( By Draging Cell)

  1. Move the cursor over the row line until the white cross changes to a double arrow.
  2. To change the row height, click, hold, and drag the mouse.
  3. Let go of the mouse. The height of the currently chosen row will be adjusted.
Figure 13- Modify Row height ( By Draging Option)

To modify all rows or columns

Instead of resizing rows and columns separately, we may change the height and width of each row and column at the same time.

This approach allows us to make each row and column in our worksheet the same size.

Steps to modify all rows or columns

  1. To select every cell in the worksheet, locate and click the Select All button directly below the formula bar.
  2. Move the mouse over a row line until the white cross changes to a double arrow.
  3. To change the row height, click, hold and drag the mouse.
  4. When you’re satisfied with the new row height for the worksheet, let go of the mouse.
Figure 14- Modify all rows or columns