EXCEL formulas and Its uses
BY DIGITALSANT4U · 07/04/2021
What is Excel’s Formula
The capacity to compute numerical data using formulae is one of Excel’s most powerful capabilities.
In a spreadsheet, formulas are utilized to do calculations. Every formula must start with an equal symbol (=).
Formulas can include the following components:
- Values that remain constant (such as 5 or 100).
- References to cells (such as A1 or A1:A3).
- Operators (for example, + for addition or * for multiplication).
- A list of functions (such as SUM or AVERAGE).
Operators in Excel’s Formula
Operators are mathematical symbols that represent certain operations.
Excel formulae support a wide range of operators (see Figure 1).
Arithmetic operators carry out fundamental mathematical operations (such as addition and subtraction) and provide numerical values.
When two values are compared, the comparison operator returns TRUE or FALSE.
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